Oculus Launchpad Experience 0.4


After getting the team together, this past week has been mostly talking with everyone and making sure we are all supported so that we can start moving forward with further ideation and creation.


This week has been a project management and ideation week. I have sat down with my storyteller for a few meetings and hashed out what the story is that we want to tell, in an effort to showcase the power of socialVR storytelling for education purposes. We have had some really great meetings with some really great ideas. The trick will be in paring everything down to the “MVP” that showcases the potential of the platform to Oculus and others.

It is difficult to feel  productive while producing very little.

This past week has also involved setting up our tool use and getting everyone on board, in a way that is comfortable for them. This has included helping them set up Slack but considering keeping Github projects for just developers as not to inundate the designers with an overly technical setup. Still looking for an Github app that makes using the PM tools much easier!

For the developers this has included going back to my own codebase and making sure that it can be run locally, as I had been slacking off and working directly on remote. We have also set some guidelines for how we add new features via Github branches so that we always have a relatively stable “master” that can be showcased at any time.


This week my plan is to focus on creating the main hub world and to start building the archetypes for our “story1” world; and to keep mindful of keeping the team motivated by providing concrete tasks for the them to act on.


  • Eric O

    August 1, 2018 at 12:23 am

    Have you considered using Trello for collaborative projects?

  • Anthony

    August 1, 2018 at 1:10 pm

    Yeah, we were trying to limit number of softwares that are required but we may have to revisit 🙂

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